Training management in the manufacturing domain
Learning Management System cimoio for training management in the manufacturing domain. Trainings in the domain of manufacturing companies are on one hand directed inward in the sense of employee development. Meaning, to upskill employees, bind them to the company and keep them up-to-date about the products being manufactured. On the other hand, there are product trainings that address users of the product. In both cases, practically always an interface to a system containing employee- or customer-data is necessary. Therefore we have a well-proven approach to plan and create these interfaces.
Special challenges in training management in
the manufacturing domain
The complexity of training management systems in the domain manufacturing arises from the conflict between several responsible persons for training. As described above that can be between personnel development and a department like after sales which is responsible for product trainings. But also the sheer size of company can add to the complexity. If a manufacturing company is acting internationally, the topic of multi-lingual trainings and probably even non-latin character sets need to be considered. In addition, manufacturing companies usually use ERPs for accounting and master data storage, making interfaces advisable.
Example projects for manufacturing
One success story is our project with the company KUKA – a classic example for an application of cimoio in the manufacturing domain. At KUKA the personnel development as well as the product trainings are processed in cimoio. Here, the product trainings are offered simultaneously to employees and customers. Read more in our success stories.
cimoio modules adapt to your needs!
Here you find more information about the base modul and also about the additional modules, that you can add individually and according to your need to support your processes in cimoio.
Success stories with cimoio
Here your find more information to projects, where we implemented cimoio successfully at customers and adapted it to theis business processes.