cimoio basic module:
Software for training management, learning management and qualifications management

The cimoio basic module from STL GmbH: software for training management, learning management and qualification management!

Our training management software cimoio supports you in training management. From planning your training product throughout its entire life cycle to replacing it with a more up-to-date training product. cimoio also helps to organize events, including the allocation of resources such as rooms, trainers and equipment. cimoio also simplifies processes when it comes to participant booking management and makes the results transparent.

With cimoio as a learning management software or learning platform, we ensure a positive and integrated learning experience for your participants. The qualification management in our cimoio software ensures that you can complete all mandatory training courses based on legal or other regulations with the necessary security mechanisms (e.g. clear dashboards on the current status of fulfillment or reminder emails).

Read below how we use the functions of the cimoio basic module to simplify various areas of your everyday training management.

Training products

Every training product goes through a life cycle: from its planning through the design, both in terms of content and commercially, to the entry of the training product into our cimoio training management system. This is followed by the editorial process within cimoio up to the release for the (online) catalog and the use of the product in the training business with event planning, updating the content, price adjustments and other revisions – as well as, of course, reporting. At the end of the life cycle, the product is decommissioned.

Training products in cimoio can take different formats: from purely digital as eLearning to standard face-to-face training via any combination of formats as blended learning, such as a learning plan.

Training products, together with events and bookings, are the functional core for the cimoio basic module as software for training management! The chain of possible functions of our qualification management begins with the link to training products. And these in turn make cimoio unique in the field of training management systems!

Training events

Training events pass through a lifecycle as well: They are planned based on a training product and created by assigning a specific frame of time – be that in hours or days. This timeframe is the basis for the assignment of resources like instructor, room, or technical equipment available during this timeframe. These parameters can be verified and changed easily in cimoio’s resource calendar. Also, price or cost can be assigned to the event, depending on your needs. You can create bookings for individual participants or entire groups of participants. Depending on which cimoio portals you use, different user groups can create bookings in addition to system admins.

An event can be altered in various ways e.g., dates can be moved, resources changed, or prices adapted. The end of the lifecycle is marked either by a cancellation of the event or by closing it after the event was carried out.

Resource management

For the organisation of face-to-face events a set of resources can be necessary: an instructor, rooms, and in some cases specific equipment e.g., a machine or a certain set of hard- and software. Each of these resources has its own parameters, according to which they are selected for and assigned to an event – which may be a difficult task especially for new employees. Which instructor is qualified to teach this training topic? Which room is of sufficient size – and has the appropriate equipment? And finally: which equipment with which configuration will be needed? With the cimoio resource management you master your resources by handling the complete lifecycle from creation to usage and optimization of utilization to the end of the lifecycle by deactivation of the resource.

Booking management

A booking in cimoio can be done by participants of the event direcly or by other persons. A booking has a lifecycle as well, that leads from creation to its finalization by cancellation or completion of the participation. Booking management includes for instance replacement of participants because the initial participant cannot attent, management of waiting lists, and moving up replacements after a cancellation, as well as re-booking a participant to another date.

The number of bookings of a training provider is a metric for evaluating the success and the scope of a learning activity. During their lifecycle, bookings permanently have a status, so that reports on bookings always allow precise information about activities and results.

Partner management

All datasets of natural and legal entities in cimoio are called “partners”. These can be assigned to specific roles like participant, manager, ordering person, or ordering company. Using attributes, they are divided up. For example, partner organizations can be locations for events or partner persons can be instructors. This assignment allows for a partner person to have the roles of manager, employee, and instructor at the same time. This way, cimoio can give out a warning if a person is booked for an event during a time frame in which they are alredy assigned to a different event, regardless of their role in both events, e.g. as a participant or an instructor.

Qualification management with cimoio basic module

Qualifications can be assigned to persons who have successfully participated in a training. This is especially useful when regulatory proof for certain trainings is mandatory. For example, participation in compulsory trainings like compliance must be verifiable for audits. For recurring trainings, qualifications can be assigned for a specific time frame only and must be refreshed after that time.

Qualifications can be necessary requirements for a more specialized training or can be used as a simple confirmation of knowledge for a certain domain. Qualification management is the basis for authorization management meaning the assignment of task to persons with certain qualifications. Additionally to this use case, qualification management has several other advantages, for example the option of assigning qualifications to trainers.

This can simplify the process of selecting a suitably trainer for events.


To control your training business, it is helpful to collect data and use these for the continuous improvement process. Beginning with reporting for the operative level for example to which degree are my events in the next weeks booked, to take care of training events that did not yet reach the minimum number of participants. Continuing with the tactical level with reports about the assignment of resources up to strategic reports about training efforts for the next planning period based on the current level of qualification of employees – you define the report, we make it visible.

Mailing processes

Another standard in cimoio are mailing processes. You can choose between automatically sent e-mails with defined triggers, half-automated e-mails, sent by actively setting a status, or manual e-mails, where you can have stronger influence on recipients, texts, and content you want to use.
Create mail templates for which you can define the objects that should be available. You can create these templates in multiple languages, if necessary. A large selection of variables allows for flexible content design. Fallback logic ensures that the correct template is sent out, even in in multi-language context.

User roles and user rights – authorization matrix

In cimoio, an authorization matrix for all users can be constructed from user roles and user rights. This can be based on simple roles according to processes users work on or as a complex model with hierarchies and individually assigned rights per person. The advantage of this matrix is, it scales, because it can be adjusted to your specific and changing requirements and can be extended or reduced step-by-step as need arises.

Our modules to adapt cimoio

Here, you find descriptions of our additional modules, that you can use to adapt cimoio to your use case and ensure a seamless training process.

The best booking portals we have designed

Corporate identity and employer branding are highly important factors for presenting your trainings and brand in a good-looking and accessible way. Our booking portals can help you achieve that!

Success stories with cimoio

Here your find more information to projects, where we implemented cimoio successfully at customers and adapted it to theis business processes.