Reference: Central Office for Examination Tasks (ZPA) North-West

Reference: Central Office for Examination Tasks (ZPA) North-West

Reference: Zentralstelle für Prüfungsaufgaben (ZPA) – Nord-West

(Central Office for Examination Tasks North-West)

– Success story with cimoio

This reference comes from the Zentralstelle für Prüfungsaufgaben (Central Office for Examination) (ZPA) Nord-West. ZPA is an organisation based in Cologne and jointly supported by the chambers of industry and commerce of the federal states of Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia and Schleswig-Holstein.

The organisation is responsible for coordinating the preparation of examination questions. They bring together specialist committees to prepare the nationally standardised intermediate and final examinations of the chambers of industry and commerce in currently 42 commercial and commercial-related training occupations.

A solution was sought to coordinate the meetings with the specialised committees and other bodies that is strong in event management.

The three blue letters V G H of the insurer group Hannover with the state coat of arms of the federal state lower saxony, a white horse on a red shield


We would like to thank STL GmbH for their wonderful work in the further development and digitalisation of our requirements in cimoio-Event. It is a pleasure to work with the STL team. Everyone in the team is professional, excellent and committed. It is thanks to them that we were able to achieve our goal on time. With cimoio, our participants now have the option of online booking and online invoicing for our sessions, regardless of time and location.

Keep up the good work – we look forward to further cooperation and a long partnership!

Ralf Lange

Deputy Head, Zentralstelle für Prüfungsaufgaben Nord-West


The ZPA regularly organises meetings of its specialist committees, in which the examination tasks are prepared by volunteer examiners. The travelling expenses of the examiners are reimbursed by the ZPA. The processes for this have varied to date and were characterised by manual activities at the time.

The organisation of the events with regard to the necessary resources such as travel funds, hotel accommodation and conference rooms for the meetings was to be optimised. In addition, the ZPA wanted to utilise software that would map the accounting of travel expenses alongside event management. Until then, this function did not exist in cimoio, as cimoio had previously only been used to invoice training courses internally or to bill a customer.


Because fulfilling individual customer requirements with cimoio is STL GmbH’s speciality, the team first compared cimoio’s standard processes with ZPA’s processes. They then implemented the process for entering travel requests at the time of booking and for invoicing travel expenses after the meeting.

The concept of meetings to which several participants are invited is identical to training management. It was therefore easy to implement the functional requirements of the ZPA at this point. cimoio already had accounting functions. Therefore, only the travel requests had to be entered and forwarded to Travel Management. In addition, an input option for receipts and travel times was created for the participants. The process was completed with a control function for checking completeness and arithmetical accuracy. Finally, the payments are now also provided as a SEPA file for import into the banking software.


By switching to cimoio, the processes were digitalised and automated. On the one hand, the registration process for events and communication with travel management have been standardised in line with the ZPA’s travel policy. On the other hand, the invoicing and payment of travel expenses has been significantly accelerated.

Link to the website of ZPA Nord-West

The ZPA North-West training catalogue is not public and is reserved for committee participants only. You can obtain non-binding information about the company on the website.

Reference: Hamburger Hochbahn AG

Reference: Hamburger Hochbahn AG

Reference: Hamburger Hochbahn AG – Success story with cimoio

HOCHBAHN is more than a transport company – it is first and foremost a mover of the future. Because its mission is not just to get passengers from one place to another. It also spends a lot of energy on saving energy and reducing exhaust gases and noise in Hamburg. Her goal: 0 emissions by 2030. For over 100 years, she has been a pioneer for Hamburg, always with sometimes revolutionary concepts. With the first subway as well as with Hamburg’s first e-bus. For 100 percent quality of life in the most beautiful city in the world.

And because Hochbahn knows what it has in its staff, it does a lot to develop the team professionally and personally – via the learning platform based on cimoio.

The three blue letters V G H of the insurer group Hannover with the state coat of arms of the federal state lower saxony, a white horse on a red shield


Thanks to cimoio, we have a platform through which our colleagues can book all internal training courses. The qualification management also helps us to keep an overview of the current status of necessary qualifications and notifies users and their managers promptly of any necessary re-certifications – that’s super helpful!

Matthias Maifarth

Consultant Learning Management System, Hamburger Hochbahn AG, Versicherungsgruppe Hannover


Until 2019, Hamburg Hochbahn AG used various tools for the administration of its learning elements. For example, a separate tool for training administration and an additional platform for the delivery of digital learning content. As a result, not all processes were digitized end-to-end.

Hamburger Hochbahn AG was looking for an integrated system for the administration and documentation of all personnel development and continuing education measures as well as regulatory requirements. The new system was to create a consistent learner experience in which users could book offers independently.
In particular, the qualification for obtaining the bus driver’s license as well as keeping track of further qualifications was a core element in the system selection.


After deciding on cimoio, STL GmbH iteratively worked out the technical processes with Hamburger Hochbahn AG. Subsequently, the legacy data was transferred from the various source systems and the education catalog was structured. Finally, the regulatory requirements for the administration of driver’s licenses were implemented with the qualification management.

With cimoio, Hamburger Hochbahn AG offers its employees an integrated system in which they can find everything they need for their further training. In it, they can find job-related training courses as well as offers for personal development. Users can make bookings for training and e-learning courses in a self-service process. Processengine has also been used to create processes for requesting external events that are not included in Hochbahn’s standard training catalog. In the metro area, Hamburger Hochbahn AG is increasingly offering its employees the opportunity to prepare for upcoming exams in the self-testing process with e-test sets.


The learning offering via cimoio has been live since 2020. Both the professional training offer and the FREIZEIT plus offer for personal development open up a broad portfolio of further training opportunities for employees. The web-based application cimoio offers Hamburger Hochbahn AG the opportunity to provide a single point of learning for its employees. By recording multi-layered continuing education data, cimoio also provides great support in the implementation of continuing education controlling.

Link to the website of Hamburger Hochbahn AG

The Hamburger Hochbahn AG training catalog is not public and is reserved for employees only. On the website you can get non-binding information about the company.

Reference: Lufthansa Technik Logistik Services

Reference: Lufthansa Technik Logistik Services

Reference: Lufthansa Technik Logistik Services – success story with cimoio

Lufthansa Technik Logistik Services (LTLS), a company of the Lufthansa Technik Group, offers solutions for all aspects of aviation logistics.
The approximately 2,000 logistics experts at more than 30 locations worldwide must demonstrate the knowledge specified by the Luftfahrt-Bundesamt (LBA) (the german federal aviation agency) at all times. For this purpose, qualification profiles with very detailed individual qualifications are used in cimoio to track who currently has what level of qualification and what training efforts the LTLS will have to face in the next planning periods.

The three blue letters V G H of the insurer group Hannover with the state coat of arms of the federal state lower saxony, a white horse on a red shield


Thanks to cimoio, we actively control our qualifications from planning through implementation to documentation. Despite the complexity of the matter, organizers and coordinators have the maintenance well under control with this tool.

Aliza Dansch

Consultant projects qualification and vocational training, Lufthansa Technik Logistik Services


LTLS has been using the cimoio system and its predecessor products since STL GmbH was founded in 2003. The starting point for the long-term cooperation was the need of Lufthansa and its subsidiaries for a training management system (TMS) to manage their numerous employee training courses. Later, a learning management system (LMS) was added to deliver digital learning content. 

The basis for the continuing success of cimoio at the LTLS is the need for a system that can meet and document the complex requirements of the regulations of the Federal Aviation Authority (LBA). For a specific standard task, the LTLS requires finely granulated qualification profiles. It must be able to control exceptions to the standard profile on a small scale within the qualification profile as well as at the level of an individual qualification.


STL GmbH has gradually solved the following tasks with the LTLS. Initially, the administration of the complex regulations in a training management system (TMS) was in the foreground. For this purpose, individual qualifications and groupings in the form of qualification profiles were designed according to the requirements. This was followed by functions that enabled the delivery of an increasing number of web-based training courses in German and English to meet the regulations mentioned via a learning management system (LMS). The solution was then supplemented by the training module. As a result of COVID, the virtual classroom “VITERO” was activated with the Inspire 3 version via the cimoio standard connector.

With the combination of TMS, LMS and the qualifications, STL GmbH had the right set of functions right from the start to meet the requirements of the LTLS. STL GmbH was also able to efficiently implement very special requirements that arose from the rules of the game of regulation. In this way, she ensures that the LTLS can meet all documentation obligations. A testament to the satisfaction and trust of LTLS is that they have repeatedly taken the lead in the development of new modules and functions.


The LTLS can always be sure that all colleagues, from trainees to employees, are up to date in terms of their qualifications and their documentation. In addition, the LTLS always has up-to-date information about the training requirements via reporting and dashboards.

Link to the website of Lufthansa Technik Logistik Services

The training catalog of Lufthansa Technik Logistik Services is not public, but only accessible for employees. You can find out more about the company on the website.

Reference: Versicherungsgruppe Hannover (VGH)

Reference: Versicherungsgruppe Hannover (VGH)

Reference: Versicherungsgruppe Hannover (VGH)

The VGH is the largest insurerer under public law in lower saxony, with offers for private and company customers. The VGH does not only use cimoio to care for their about 4.600 employees and sales partners, but via their IT service provider ivv (Informationsverarbeitung für Versicherungen) also the employees of the associated insurers ÖVO (Öffentlichen Versicherungen Oldenburg), ÖSA (Öffentliche Versicherungen Sachchsen-Anhalt) and Alte Oldenburger. As well the employees as the insurance intermediaries are getting very well trained in regard to the insurance portfolio and the fulfillment of state regulatories like IDD (Insurance Distribution Directive). This task is taken over by the departments VGH-sales qualification and the personnel development.

The three blue letters V G H of the insurer group Hannover with the state coat of arms of the federal state lower saxony, a white horse on a red shield


Since the introduction of IDD there is an obligation for training for our target groups. Thanks to cimoio, we mastered the challenges associated with this very good.

Dr. Frank Petzing

Head of department VQ, Versicherungsgruppe Hannover


When the project started in 2014, the target was the introduction of a training management software to digitize processes for further education. Due to modifications to the  regulation of insurance mediation (Versich-erungsvermittlungsverordnung (VersVermV)) a rising documentation effort for proof was expected. The VGH was looking for a digital solution that better fulfilled this need than the personnel software that was used at that time.

Mandatory requirements was, that the administrative organisation of the training events was possible decentralized.


Thanks to an IT-client concept, the legally independent associated insurer cimoio in parallel. They receive Releases at the same time, but each company can develop customizings in their client to adapt cimoio to their needs.

For the decentralized training event management an interface was created that is designed according to the needs of specific roles. The connected processes guarantee that the trainings are carried out in compliance with IDD.


The complexity of processes for further education in the insurer domain has risen with the introduction of IDD. Thanks to cimoio, VGH succeeded in keeping the added efforts under control. By automating and digitizing administrative processes, the VGH is able to deal with the rising requirements.

Thanks to eFeedback also the process for continuous improvement is digitzed. The feedback of customers are taken into account when planning and improving the training portfolio.

Reference: Sparkassenakademie Baden-Württemberg

Reference: Sparkassenakademie Baden-Württemberg

Reference: Sparkassenakademie Baden-Württemberg – success story with cimoio

This reference is for the Sparkassenakademie (Academy of German Savings Banks) Baden-Württemberg. The academy is part of the Sparkassenverband (German Savings Banks Association) Baden-Württemberg (SVBW). The SVBW represents the interests of 50 savings banks and their municipal sponsors. Its member institutes employ almost 35,000 people in around 2,300 offices.

The Sparkassenakademie sees itself as the leading and modern partner for personnel and organizational development. They are at the heart of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe (German Savings Banks Finance Group). It is the educational center of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe Baden-Württemberg and its employees. But also a place where the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe meets business, society, science, and politics.


Thanks to cimoio, we manage the academy, hotel- and catering-operations using a single tool – that saves us time and money. Thanks to the flexibility of STL GmbH, we get requirements implemented promptly according to our ideas.

Kai Ernst Knackstedt

Team Lead IT Sparkassenakademie, Sparkassenverband Baden-Württemberg


When the project started in 2001, the Sparkassenakademie needed a digital solution to manage its then two training locations in Baden-Württemberg. For the merging of the locations in 2014 at Pariser Platz in Stuttgart, the Sparkassenakademie decided to control a large part of the technical integration with cimoio.

With the move from the previously two old locations to Stuttgart, the Sparkassenakademie not only wanted to move to the state capital, but also wanted to go modern and digital ways with the technical equipment. Therefore, the old tool landscape was supposed to be switched to a lean and integrated system world. But that meant finding software and a service provider that could ensure the integration of the worlds of training and event management with hotel administration and the deepest possible integration into media and building technology.


The more than two decades of cooperation between STL GmbH and the Sparkassenakademie ensured that STL GmbH gradually expanded cimoio for the academy. This was the perfect preparation for linking cimoio to the hardware and software solutions of the Sparkassenakademie via interfaces when this became necessary due to the move.

The first elements for media control and hotel administration were already in place when the project started. It is thanks to the project team’s commitment to integrating the facility’s services that a large part of the administrative control of the Sparkassenakademie is mapped with a single piece of software: from the programming of the key cards for hotel rooms and conference rooms, the connection of the barcode scanners in the Academy restaurant to the provision of media for the events on the multimedia boards in the event rooms.


cimoio can map many special functions of academy operations. As a result, the data is less distributed, and the data quality is increased. This in turn increases the quality of central reporting.

The central system also significantly reduces the effort, e.g., in relation to training needs for users, because they only need to be incorporated into one piece of software.

In addition, the number of interfaces to systems decreases and with it the coordination efforts between external service providers.

Link to the online catalog of the Sparkassenakademie Baden-Württemberg